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How to start working on Mysterium node

How to spin up a node on Docker

This section will explain how to run, build and test node during development. If you are yet to set up your environment please follow the environment setup guide first.

You can check out our source code on Github and talk to us and our community over at Discord.


Node repository is located at: You will have to fork the repository in order to work on it. You can follow the official Github guide on how to do that.

After creating a fork execute:

git clone

Make sure you've read our environment setup guide and you have Mage installed as it will come in handy going further.


Mage makes it easy to build the project, to do that you execute the mage build command in project's root directory:

cd node
mage build

After doing so you should see similar output to this:

2020-11-12T17:29:07.178 INF ci/packages/build.go:83 > Building cmd/mysterium_node/mysterium_node.go -> myst linux/amd64
2020-11-12T17:29:07.178 ??? > exec: go build -ldflags=-w -s -o /home/tomas/go/src/ cmd/mysterium_node/mysterium_node.go
2020-11-12T17:29:09.604 INF ci/packages/build.go:83 > Building cmd/supervisor/supervisor.go -> myst_supervisor linux/amd64
2020-11-12T17:29:09.604 ??? > exec: go build -ldflags=-w -s -o /home/tomas/go/src/ cmd/supervisor/supervisor.go

If you don't have mage installed you can use the go build command to generate a binary:

go build -o myst cmd/mysterium_node/mysterium_node.go


A node can be started as a daemon by executing:

mage daemon

Or without (using a built binary) mage:

build/myst/myst daemon

This will start node in a daemon mode where no service is running, meaning that it will basically only operate in consumer mode. To start providing service you'd need to start a node with a running service (default is wireguard):

build/myst/myst service

TequilAPI REST API and CLI app

Interacting with node can be done using its TequilaAPI endpoints. This API allows us to control both consumer and provider sides of our node.

The default port is: 4050

Node comes with built-in CLI commands which call the API endpoints making it easy to interact, test and control your node from the command-line.

mage cli

Or without mage:

build/myst/myst cli

For greater control you can skip the CLI step and interact with TequilaAPI yourself using curl, postman or any other HTTP based tool you like. For example to check if a node is running you can send a healthcheck request:

curl http://localhost:4050/healthcheck

   "uptime": "47m55.616006453s",
   "process": 5490,
   "version": "0.0.0-dev",
   "buildInfo": {
       "commit": "99d37edc952b736e3fad069f56e7d968276634a8",
       "branch": "master",
       "buildNumber": "4755"

To explore everything TequilAPI can do, we host its Swagger docs on:

Feel free to check the Swagger docs of your own node which are available on the same port as the TequilAPI: http://localhost:4050/docs.


If you've added new features or changed old ones, make sure to cover them with tests as much as possible.

  • Unit tests are all the *_test.go files outside the e2e directory. They can be executed by running:

mage test
  • Long-running or "e2e" tests can be found in the e2e directory. They can be executed by running:

mage teste2ebasic

mage teste2enat
  • To check if you haven't missed copyright notices or haven't made any linting mistakes run:

mage checks


If you've made changes to the api make sure to generate new documentation and files:

mage generate

That's it! Once you're ready to publish your changes, please create a pull request in the official node repository.

Our developers are always happy to receive feedback and code contributions. We look forward to hearing from you!